ada yang tau siapa ni...
ini th siwon
ganteeng yhaaaa
gw ska dy coz dya ganteng,cool
mantap dh
dya th penyanyi dalam boyband korea
super junior uuuu

Apabila kita berwisata di kota-kota di Eropa sudah jelas tempat-tempat yang akan dituju: yaitu Katedral, Istana raja-raja, Musium, taman-taman, pantai (kalau ada) ataupun tempat-tempat makan khas daerah setempat. Bagi saya, ada tambahan satu lagi tempat menarik untuk dikunjungi yaitu hotel dengan arsitektur yang khas. Tidak semua hotel menawarkan sesuatu yang khas untuk dinikmati sebagai “tempat tujuan wisata”. Hotel-hotel kebanyakan mempunyai konsep yang sama dan tidak menawarkan sesuatu yang baru.
Hotel Puerta America di kota Madrid, Spanyol adalah hotel berbintang lima yang menawarkan konsep yang lain. Hotel ini mempunyai 12 lantai hunian, dimana tiap-tiap lantainya dirancang oleh arsitek-arsitek kelas dunia yang berbeda. Saya menginap di lantai pertama yang merupakan hasil rancangan dari arsitek kelahiran Iraq yaitu Zaha Hadid. Star Wars adalah kata yang meluncur dari bibir saya ketika saya melihat katalog dari kamar-kamar hotel pada waktu check-in. Kamar-kamar di lantai satu ini di dominasi warna putih. Lantai dua sampai dengan 12 menawarkan kamar-kamar lainnya dengan warna merah erotis dan indah, kamar-kamar dengan hiasan bunga, serta warna-warna lainnya seperti nuansa logam bergaya futuristik.
Zaha Hadid yang lahir tahun 1950 ini adalah salah seorang perempuan Irak yang sempat menikmati masa-masa di mana pendidikan perempuan di Irak masih sangat maju sebelum jatuh ke dalam kekuasaan penguasa-penguasa radikal Islam yang dimulai pada zaman diktator Shadam Hussein. Irak pada waktu itu terkenal sebagai negara termaju di Timur Tengah dalam bidang pendidikan baik itu untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan. Sekarang ini beliau merupakan salah seorang arsitek yang sangat dihormati di dunia arsitektur antar bangsa. Karya-karyanya yang tergolong ke dalam maha karya arsitektur dunia misalnya Signature Tower di Dubai, BMW Central Building di kota Leipzig Jerman serta Bridge Pavilion di kota Zaragoza Spanyol.
Berikut bisa dinikmati foto-foto dari kamar tempat saya menginap di lantai satu, hotel tampak muka, restoran dan lantai-lantai lainnya.
Reviewed by: inpacerequiescat
A fairytale about two immortal lovers that conquered all. That's how At the Dolphin Bay begins.
We are then shown a flashback of events that took place some 20 years ago. A little girl (Angela Zhang Shao Han) found herself in an orphanage after her mother was killed by a speeding car. Prior to that we are taken to an office and we see her mother begging an old gentleman to take custody of the girl. The old gentleman turned out to be her grandfather and the Chairman of SET TV. He sarcastically told her mother that he did not recognize the girl since she was a lovechild of his son. The girl developed some sort of trauma and avoided speaking to anyone.
It is in this Catholic orphanage where Xu Ce Ya (Ambrose Hsu Shao Yang), who was then known as Tah-Tah and the orphaned girl first see each other as orphaned kids. She came to be known as Siao Pin Kang and was always being teased by other kids because she was afraid to speak, traumatized by the tragic death of her mother. Tah-tah would come to her protection. He swore that they would not be separated from each other, ever.
Later, the old gentleman decided to adopt one of the two kids and he came to pick up the boy. Siao Pin Kang and her dolphin doll were the ones that reminded the boy about her. When he left, Siao Pin-Kang was adopted by another woman who ran a noodle shop by the Dolphin Bay. She was then christened as Tien Pien. She would spend most of her time at an old ship by the Bay with figures of dolphins all around and look at the vast sea in front of her. She would dream of becoming a big star like Mandy Shen Man Qing (Jill Xu Jie Er).
After 20 years, Xu Ce Ya returned from studying in the United States to become the the General Manager of SETTV. It was his grandfather who put this post into his hands, even though his other grandchild Shan Ni (Penny Lin Wei Xin) also aimed at becoming GM. Shan Ni's mother made life difficult for Xu Ce Ya, but his grandfather always had faith in the talent and ability of the boy.
Xu Ce Ya and Tien Pien crossed paths again after 20 years, when Xu Ce Ya happened to be in need of directions one day. Since then, he would visit Tien Pien regularly. She auditioned at SETTV to become the new contract star for the SkyWalk project, together with her idol Mandy Shen Man Qing. She came in late during the day of the auditions but with the help of Xu Ce Ya, she got the part. It seemed that everybody -- Mandy, Shan Ni and even Mandy's boyfriend and talent manager Xiao Kang (Wallace Huo Jian Hua) disliked her.
Xiao Kang trained Tien Pien and through the preparations for the SkyWalk project, he began to get close to her. Because of this, Mandy hired a new talent manager to replace Xiao Kang. Meanwhile, Shan Ni also developed feelings for Xu Ce Ya after he rescued her from a demented fan who plotted to bomb the SETTV studio. Later, Xu Ce Ya and Shan Ni discovered that Tien Pien was the long lost granddaughter and half sister of Shan Ni. They eventually told their grandfather about this, and the grandfather revealed that he really wanted Shan Ni to marry Xu Ce Ya. Much to their disappointment, the grandfather denied Tien Pien and only recognized Shan Ni as his grandchild. Despite this, Xu Ce Ya's true feelings for Tien Pien remained.
Tien Pien's album was a flop. The project was ready to be trashed were it not for Xiao Kang's intervention. The grandfather gave a seven-day extension; if the project failed, they'd scrap it. Xiao Kang brought Tien Pien's album to the streets even if it meant he would lose all the money he earned as a talent manager. Tien Pien sang to people too woo them to buy the album. It seemed a miracle was what Tien Pien and Xiao Kang needed. Indeed it came.
Two foreigners took notice of her voice. Unknown to both Xiao Kang and Tien Pien, these two were actually talent scouts searching for a new commercial model for the product Aqua Aura. While everyone thought Mandy would get the stint, they offered the part to Tien Pien! One thing led to another and almost overnight, Tien Pien became a household name.
Shan Ni was diagnosed with leukemia. She also began feeling sisterly love for Tien Pien. Because of the grandfather's arrangement for Tien Pien to live with them and Shan Ni's sickness, Xu Ce Ya decided to marry her. The wedding did not push through. Shan Ni fainted during the ceremony and she was rushed to the hospital. Tien Pien offered to serve as a donor for the bone marrow Shan Ni needed to survive, but hers was not an exact match with Shan Ni's. Shan Ni began to accept her fate and that she'd die pretty soon.
She wished that she could work on Tien Pien's world tour even before she departed and that Tien Pien would take care of Xu Ce Ya for her.
In the last few episodes, the rift between Mandy and Tien Pien was resolved. She even got to sing at Tien Pien's concert. The concert ended tragically as Shan Ni did not live long enough to see its successful end. She died that same night. Meanwhile Tien Pien dumped Xiao Kang and told him that Mandy still loved him.
A year after, we see Tien Pien's foster mother and Shan Ni's mother fetch Tien Pien from the airport after a successful world tour. Tien Pien has now become a successful artiste! In the final scene Xu Ce Ya and his grandfather drive to the orphanage and as he is driving away, he recognizes Tien Pien, gets off the car and they go into each other's arms, never to be apart ever again.
At the Dolphin Bay is a tale of various expressions of love in certain degrees. Sisterly love between Tien Pien and Shan Ni. Parental love between Tien Pien and her foster mother. Unconditional love betewwn Xu Ce Ya and Tien Pien, as well as Shan Ni and Tien Pien.
For this reason, At the Dolphin Bay does not fail to capture the hearts of its viewers, regardless of age, gender or social class. It transcends these barriers and it is no surprise that this Asian drama did well in the ratings game and reviews.
Its screenplay was also well-written. The build-up from a light to a heavily dramatic scene was done in good taste. The transitions between scenes were smooth and scenes that were cut deliberately were done so to heighten the suspense and emotion. However the lighting was a major flaw. Heavily dramatic scenes should have been treated differently from lighter scenes. Inasmuch as there was too much light on some heavy scenes, the emotions that could have been fully expressed by those scenes were not released. The presence of light usually indicates lightness in theme: joy, satisfaction, resolution.
I was not at all disappointed with the choice of actors. I was surprised, however, that Penny Lin could actually portray a role other than a brat. Her inclusion in the drama turned out to be the biggest surprise and not to mention, one major advantage.
The music was excellent. The songs were properly chosen for the scenes. If lighting was a major upset, the musical score was its one of its biggest - if not certainly the biggest - advantages. Notable were songs like Yi Shi De Mei Hao and Shiroi Yuki, although other songs which were used, especially during the later parts of the drama, were also chosen with utmost care.
Cinematography came in a good second to the musical score. It seemed as if Asians have perfected the art of cinematography, probably influenced by their culture, beliefs and traditions. But in this drama, the background served more than being the take-off point of every action in the story. The backdrop - the sea - was very meaningful. On several occasions, the sea served as a metaphor for hope and even resolution. Most problems were resolved when they were brought near the sea. The treatment of the sea as a backdrop - sometimes as part of the subject - was interestingly figurative. Other interestingly meaningful places were the field of flowers and the Catholic orphanage.
On the whole, At the Dolphin Bay was a good drama. Were it not for the flaws, it could have deserved a higher rating.
Nopember 17th, 2008 by nurchasanah and tagged dunia, misterius
Tempat misterius di dunia yang menyembunyikan rahasia mereka. Ada kastil kuno, patung atau kuli sakral, tanah tersembunyi, dan berbagai tempat yang berhak mendapat perhatian lebih dari mereka yang gemar bertualang. Mari kita mulai bertualang dari satu tempat misterius ke tempat lainnya.
1. Pulau PaskahPulau ini berada di antara Tahiti dan Chili, dan meraih popularitas internasional karena patung kolosal yang luar biasa berbentuk wajah manusia. Tiap patung tingginya adalah 14 kaki (sekitar 4 meter), berat sekitar 14 dan terbuat dari batu vulkanis, dan merupakan hasil karya dari masyarakat Rapa Nui. Sampai sekarang belum diketahui bagaimanakah patung ini dibuat dengan teknologi primitif yang dimiliki masyarakat tersebut. Ada berbagai teori mengenai asal patung dan artinya, termasuk salah satunya adalah teori fantastis yang mengatakan bahwa patung ini dibuat oleh UFO. Tapi, sampai sekarang kebenaran dari semua teori yang ada belum terungkap. Akankah anda menjadi salah satu yang bisa mengungkapnya?
2. Mesir
Salah satu tempat paling misterius dan ajaib di planet. Berada di Afrika Utara, negara ini memiliki lebih dari 80 piramida yang tersebar di sepanjang sungai Nil. Masing2 tingginya mendekati 100 meter, dan terbuat dari batu raksasa dengan berat masing-masing mencapai 100 ton. Sampai sekarang legenda mengenai piramida masih mengundang berbagai gosip baru, mitos dan kepercayaan baru juga bermunculan. Dari semua piramida, yang tertinggi adalah Piramida Cheops. Semua piramida dibangun hanya dengan menumpuk satu batu diatas batu lainnya. Tidak ditemukan lem, paku, atau perekat apapun digunakan dalam pembuatan piramid. Semua batu entah bagaimana saling pas, sehingga sangat susah ditemukan adanya retakan atau celah. Permasalahan mengenai teknik pembangunan yang digunakan juga belum terjawab sampai saat ini. Jadi jika anda memang mencari misteri, Piramida-piramida Mesir akan tetap memberikan misteri bagi anda.
3. BermudaDi Atlantik Barat laut, terletak Segitiga Bermuda. Dalam segitiga ini terdapat 7 pulau besar dan 150 pulau kecil yang sebenarnya adalah gugusan karang. Segitiga ini juga disebut sebagai segitiga setan - semua alat teknologi tinggi dan semua
alat navigasi tidak bekerja dengan benar di tempat tersebut. Seringkali bahkan komunikasi dengan dunia diluar segitiga ini menjadi masalah. Tidak ada yang tahu mengapa dan bagaimana mencegah hal ini. Jadi, jika anda memang berani, siapa tahu anda menjadi yang pertama memecahkan misteri ini.
4. AntartikaAntartika adalah tempat yang sangat tidak ramah untuk dihuni. Begitu banyak perubahan dan fenomena yang sampai sekarang menjadi rahasia besar buat sebagian besar dari kita. Antartika juga memiliki banyak misteri, dari 14 juta kilometer benua tertutup salju dan es dengan ketebalan antara 2000 sampai 4800 meter, ada juga pulau yang kering total, dan disebut “Lembah kering tanpa salju”. Jadilah saksi hidup untuk fenomena ini!
5. XinjianDi kota ini, ada daerah terbengkalai yang disebut “Moguicheng” atau kota iblis. Beberapa kastil di Moguicheng menimbulkan suara aneh yang tidak jelas darimana asalnya. Jika anda mendekati kota iblis ini di hari panas dengan angin sepoi-sepoi, anda akan mendengarkan ritme manis, seperti 10 juta bel kecil atau 10 juta gitar bermain bersama dengan indahya. Tapi jika angin kencang mendekat, maka suara yang timbul akan bagaikan raungan singa, tangis bayi atau lolongan serigala.
6. StonehangeStonehenge adalah susunan batu misterius di daerah pinggiran Inggris. Tidak ada yang tahu tujuan dibangunnya apa, apakah istana, atau tempat pemujaan, atau kuil atau mungkin tanda adanya UFO? Coba anda kunjungi, siapa tahu anda bisa memecahkan misterinya!
7. HenanDi Henan, Cina, anda akan menemukan daerah anomali geotermal yang disebut “bingbing bei” atau punggung es. Semua wilayah Cina memiliki perubahan musim yang normal, para penduduk di daerah barat Propinsi Liaoning, Cina, memiliki suhu hangat yang tetap. Tapi pada saat musim panas datang, maka mulailah fenomena ajaib ini. Ketika suhu udara mencapai suhu 30 derajat Celsius dan matahari bersinar dengan cerahnya, perubahan besar-besaran terjadi, dan temperatur di satu meter dibawah tanah mencapai -12 derajat Celsius, sehingga tanah membeku dan semua air berubah
menjadi es.
8. Air Terjun NiagaraAir Terjun ini terkenal sebagai tujuan turis. Keajaiban alam ini terletak di perbatasan Kanada dan Amerika. Air terjun ini meliputi daerah seluas 250.000 mil persegi dan aliran airnya dapat mencapai 250.000 kaki kubik perjam.
9. GeyserGeyser adalah aliran air hangat yang menyembur ke permukaan tanah. Geyser selalu tampak menarik dan misterius. Salah satu tempat di Reykjavik, ibukota Islandia, terkenal dengan geysernya yang mencapai diameter 20 meter dan ketika hujan, anda bisa menemukan pemandangan yang mengerikan: aliran air yang menyembur luar biasa sehingga mencapai ketinggian 70 meter. Jika anda mengunjungi Cina, dan menunggu di sekitaran Geyser di sungai Yangbo, Tibet. Geyser yang ada dapat menyembur dengan suara yang mengejutkan setiap beberapa menit sekali. Diamter semburan air panas ini mencapai 2 meter dan ketinggian semburannya dapat mencapai 20 meter.
10. Pulau Arran dan OrkneyDua pulau di Skotlandia ini adalah harta rahasia sejarah terpenting. Dua pulau ini terletak di lautan Skotlandia yang dingin, kedua pulau ini menarik turis dengan sejumlah kastil, reruntuhan, lingkaran-lingkaran batu dan kuil-kuil kuno.